03/14/2025 1:05 PM
3 minutes
See how we improved our frontend Docker build times by 50% using the Drone Docker plugin and smart caching of dependencies and intermediate stages, making our CI/CD pipeline faster and more efficient.
At InnoPeak we use DroneCI to build our applications and Docker images so that we can then deploy them to our DigitalOcean Kubernetes cluster. As Finly's codebase has grown a lot over the past year, we've noticed slow downs resulting in decreased developer productivity since waiting on the pipelines to complete - running GraphQL codegen, the linter, typechecks and build - could take up to ~16 minutes meaning an additional wait step before continuing with the next feature.
With some fine-tuning using the Drone Docker plugin's cache_from
option and building specific intermediate stages as their own images we've managed to optimize Docker build times effectively slashing them in half, along with decreased resource usage during the build.
Since Finly's frontend is a Next.js application, we use a Dockerfile
based on Node.js 23-alpine to build the application and run it. It's split into multiple stages allowing us to - so far only locally - cache steps that might not need to be re-run, such as installing dependencies or running GraphQL codegen if the package.json
hasn't changed.
1FROM node:23-alpine AS base
3# Install dependencies only when needed
4FROM base AS deps
5RUN apk add libc6-compat
7# Install G++ and Python 3 for Sharp
8RUN apk add g++ make py3-pip
10WORKDIR /app
12# Install dependencies based on the preferred package manager
13COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
14RUN yarn --frozen-lockfile
16# Rebuild the source code only when needed
17FROM base AS builder
19WORKDIR /app
20COPY /app/node_modules ./node_modules
21COPY . .
23ENV NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=6144
26RUN yarn build
28# Production image, copy all the files and run next
29FROM base AS runner
30WORKDIR /app
32ENV NODE_ENV=production
34RUN addgroup --system --gid 1001 nodejs
35RUN adduser --system --uid 1001 nextjs
37COPY /app/public ./public
39# Set the correct permission for prerender cache
40RUN mkdir .next
41RUN chown nextjs:nodejs .next
43# Automatically leverage output traces to reduce image size
44# https://nextjs.org/docs/advanced-features/output-file-tracing
45COPY /app/.next/standalone ./
46COPY /app/.next/static ./.next/static
48USER nextjs
50EXPOSE 3000
52ENV PORT=3000
53# set hostname to localhost
56CMD ["node", "server.js"]
As you can see, we have four different stages, the most interesting one for this post being deps
, which only installs packages if package.json
or yarn.lock
has changed since Docker looks at the state of the image and if nothing has changed since the last build won't run the commands specified with the RUN
Our drone.yml
uses the Docker plugin to build our Dockerfile in a dry run whenever a pull request is opened:
1kind: pipeline
2type: kubernetes
3name: build dev docker image dry run
5- image: plugins/docker
6 name: build image
7 settings:
8 dockerfile: Dockerfile
9 dry_run: true
10 registry: "<registry>"
11 repo: "<registry>/finly"
13 branch:
14 - develop
15 event:
16 - pull_request
to Cache Individual StagesDrone's Docker plugin supports a cache_from
argument which can be supplied and allows Docker to skip steps that are already cached in those images. However, if we would just set cache_from
to the image of Finly, it wouldn't do much because only the final runner
stage is pushed to our registry which just contains the final Next.js build files. Docker wouldn't be able to optimize packages alone based on that.
So our solution was to push the intermediate deps
stage to its own repo finly-deps
by adding a second pipeline with the target: deps
so that it stops the build at that stage:
1type: kubernetes
2kind: pipeline
3name: build deps
5- image: plugins/docker
6 name: build image
7 settings:
8 cache_from: "<registry>/finly-deps"
9 dockerfile: Dockerfile
10 registry: "<registry>"
11 repo: "<registry>/finly-deps"
12 tags:
13 - latest
14 target: deps
16 branch:
17 - main
18 - staging
19 - testing
20 - develop
21 event:
22 - push
23 - pull_request
We also set cache_from
so that this step is super fast as long as packages don't change, since it will use the previously cached image and skip every step.
To make use of this finly-deps
image, all we have to do is set cache_from
in our build pipeline:
1kind: pipeline
2type: kubernetes
3name: build dev docker image dry run
5- image: plugins/docker
6 name: build image
7 settings:
8 cache_from: "<registry>/finly-deps"
9 dockerfile: Dockerfile
10 dry_run: true
11 registry: "<registry>"
12 repo: "<registry>/finly"
14 branch:
15 - develop
16 event:
17 - pull_request
That's all! We can verify it worked by checking if the pipeline first starts by pulling the finly-deps
1+ /usr/local/bin/docker pull <registgry>/finly-deps
2Using default tag: latest
3latest: Pulling from <registgry>/finly-deps
We can also see that during the build, Docker will show us when it's using the cache during build of the deps
1Status: Downloaded newer image for node:23-alpine
2 ---> 4e2b8ab84aec
3Step 2/40 : FROM base AS deps
4 ---> 4e2b8ab84aec
5Step 3/40 : RUN apk add libc6-compat
6 ---> Using cache
7 ---> 04e418978e16
8Step 4/40 : RUN apk add g++ make py3-pip
9 ---> Using cache
10 ---> 8d0f0eece443
11Step 5/40 : WORKDIR /app
12 ---> Using cache
13 ---> ceb2d59b3ea8
14Step 6/40 : COPY package.json yarn.lock* package-lock.json* pnpm-lock.yaml* ./
15 ---> Using cache
16 ---> e9e4bfdf0ca3
17Step 7/40 : RUN if [ -f yarn.lock ]; then yarn --frozen-lockfile; elif [ -f package-lock.json ]; then npm ci; elif [ -f pnpm-lock.yaml ]; then yarn global add pnpm && pnpm i --frozen-lockfile; else echo "Lockfile not found." && exit 1; fi
18 ---> Using cache
19 ---> eb19256c592e
And that's all! Thanks to some nifty usage of multi-stage builds and Drone Docker plugin's capability to push specific targets to a registry, we can speed up the stages that change less frequently and take a long time to run. Speeding up pipelines and providing developers with a faster feedback loop to fix lint/type/build issues, as well as cutdown on resource consumption.